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ISO Standard
Good Practice GAP, GMP
Process analysis
Performance analysis
Risk assessment
Certification audit
We offer you the following comprehensive services.
Since 2014, the staff of the company has provided management system training and advice to more than 130 organizations. We are proud to contribute to the development of our country by supporting businesses and organizations to build capacity and move forward. We share our knowledge and expertise in a customized way to reflect the unique aspects of each client to support them in effectively building and efficiently maintaining their management systems.

ISO Quality Management System
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international non-governmental organization that develops and publishes standards and guidelines. Most popular ISO standards are ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001. They are considered as sustainable development pillar standards.

ISO 9001:2015 focuses on quality management and quality assurance, and specifies requirements for a quality management system. The standard is used by organizations to demonstrate their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements and to demonstrate continuous improvement.

ISO 14001 standard specifies the requirements for an environmental management system and encourages organizations to enhance its environmental performance. It helps them to reduce possible adverse environmental impacts, improve resource efficiency, reduce waste and pollution in meeting their environmental and economic goals.

ISO 45001:2018 is applicable to any organization that wishes to establish, implement and maintain an OH&S management system to improve occupational health and safety, eliminate hazards and minimize OH&S risks (including system deficiencies), take advantage of OH&S opportunities, and address OH&S management system nonconformities associated with its activities.

Food safety is a global concern. ISO22000 will enable organizations to deliver safe and healthy foods to the market. By ensuring that the food you supply is safe and free from contamination can increase its corporate reputation and improve economic efficiency.
Good practice
The Standard of Good Practice constitutes a prerequisite for the management system standard. In order for an organization to improve operational effectiveness, establish quality control system, and produce safe products, it is necessary to incorporate good practices in its operations. There are Standards of Good Practice for each economic sector, to mention a few: Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Hygiene Practices (GHP), and Good Regulatory Practices (GRP).

Good Agricultural Practices is a set of standards for the safe and sustainable production of crops and livestock. According the article 7.1 of the Mongolian Food Safety Law, every producer involved in the primary production of agricultural raw materials is obliged to implement Good Agricultural Practices.

Good Manufacturing Practices is a system that ensures that products are produced and controlled according to quality standards from raw material processing to consumer product. According the article 7.1 of the Mongolian Food Safety Law, every manufacturer is obliged to implement Good Agricultural Practices in the production of food raw materials and products.
Principles of Good Manufacturing Practices
- Food safety
- Rational use of natural resources
- Occupational health and safety
- Quality control
- Documentation